Revitalizing the Psycho-Physical Torus Field

The importance of this practice is to actually clear the blockages of the Torus flow by repairing our ability to receive. This meditation is in this case, driven by our breath – as the taking in and exhaling of air is a torus flow itself.  This meditative practice of pairing our focused breath with the stream of circulation of a torus will re-establish OUR continuous flow of giving and receiving to ourselves of our own energy.  Between the mind and the Higher-self this can be seen as a practice of praying and bestowing its own wishes. In addition, by daily flushing and restoring the body’s Torus flow, its resilient shield of Faith, Trust and Well-Being will form around the outer edge of its circulation stream.

Additionally- you can augment this meditation with added arm-movements.



  1. Begin by relaxing in a sitting or lying-position (or standing).  Begin deeply breathing continuously throughout the entire meditation, in and out to the count of 8-10 seconds in each direction- the goal is to take in and exhale as much are as you are comfortably able – as this raises your vibration and releases negative energy from our field.


  1. Imagine your breathing in and out to be a vacuum machine mechanism that can shoot or fountain upwards from the top of your heart and draw-back inward with its hose at the bottom of the heart.

On the inhale, gather all the LOVE for your Soul, who is the perfect parent and partner to you, and on the exhale, image shooting or scattering diamond particles out over your head, sending your Higher-self all the love in your heart, and as you vacuum the diamond dust from below your heart, imagine receiving that love from your Higher Self and yourself.  Take that diamond-dust into the heart and receive it, as you would, taking it from an outside source.  On the exhale send your love again to your Higher-self, (repeating this procedure for a total of three times or as many times as you want). 



  1. So often we treat our Higher-self (what is happening in our life) like a cab-driver whose judgement we don’t trust. This RESISTANCE to what’s happening causes a rupture in the flow of abundance-like resisting the route the driver is taking causing the driver to stop helping us.  If we instead send gratitude for our Higher-self’s judgement and gratitude for what we already have, we will allow abundance to get us over the sketchy parts of our understanding of what’s happening to us.


  1. On the inhale, gather all the GRATITUDE for your Souls judgement, who is the perfect parent and partner to you, and on the exhale, imagine shooting or scattering diamond particles out over your head, sending your Higher-self all the gratitude in your heart, and as you vacuum the diamond dust from below your heart, imagine receiving the feeling that it has your back from your Higher Self. Take that diamond-dust into the heart and receive it as a warm trusting feeling and being grateful for that.  On the exhale send your love and gratitude again to your Higher-self, (repeating this procedure for a total of three times or as many times as you want.) 


YOU CAN NEXT TRY REGULATING YOUR FREQUENCY: Joy, Abundance, Excitement, Achievement of a Goal.

  1. We are so programed to be shut down by feelings of fear, judgement, competition and invalidation that we often don’t feel safe enough to allow our positive feeling to blossom. Laughter and Love are the two highest vibrations we can create and so they are the only things that usually break through this fog of repression. To re-establish a safe space to feel joy and excitement, we can surge these feelings with these frequency enhancements.  For truly if we can feel something, we can manifest it.


  1. On the inhale, gather all the EXCITEMENT you feel about something, or the JOY you would feel about being abundant, etc., and on the exhale, image shooting or scattering diamond particles out over your head, sending your Higher-self all the EXCITEMENT OR JOY in your heart, and as you vacuum the diamond dust from below your heart, imagine receiving that DREAM from your Higher Self. Take that diamond-dust into the heart and receive it, as you would, taking it from an outside source.  On the exhale send your EXCITEMENT OR JOY again to your Higher-self, (repeating this procedure for a total of three times or as many times as you want.)



 Another supportive image you can imagine on the in-breath is stretching an archer’s bow and then release the arrow on the exhale- just this, balances the feminine on the inhale and the masculine on the exhale as the in-breath is circular and the exhale is linear. 


Here you can simply follow the meditation asking for guidance or a next step from your Higher-self, and on the receiving end, imagine receiving the guidance, and then without doubt have patience for the guidance or next step to reveal itself to you, with a sign, or an intuition.



  1. This mediation can be done as often as you want but is most effective if you do specific affirmations three days in a row, as all affirmations or daily intentions work. Then let it go to the universe.

 Imagine what it is you want.  Let’s take three things.  Money for a need or want, a malady to heal, and a situation to go well.  An example would be a money for a bill, healing a muscle, and having an exam go well.

 Begin by relaxing in a sitting or lying-position (or standing).  Begin deeply breathing continuously throughout the entire meditation, in and out to the count of 8-10 seconds in each direction.  Imagine your breathing to be a vacuum machine mechanism that can shoot upwards from the top and draw back inward with its detachable hose at the bottom.


 On the exhale, image shooting or scattering diamond particles out over your head, and here with gratitude, ask your Higher-self for the money to pay for the need or want.  Knowing the Torus flow will carry the diamond dust up, out, over, and along the body, depositing them at the base of your spine.

 Image a black velvet carpet there with the freshly deposited diamond dust covering the carpet. This dust IS the money you requested.   Proceed to use your deep in-breath as a vacuum hose would to pull that dust into your heart, allowing yourself to receive or have that money.  On the exhale send your request again to your Higher-self, repeating this procedure for a total of three times or as many times as you want. 


On the exhale, image shooting or scattering diamond particles out over your head, and here with gratitude, ask your Higher-self for the healing, and as you vacuum the dust, imagine it to be the “needed medicine” to remedy the ailment. Take that diamond-dust into the heart and receive it, as you would, taking the needed medication.  On the exhale send your request again to your Higher-self, repeating this procedure for a total of three times or as many times as you want. 


 On the exhale, image shooting or scattering diamond particles out over your head, and here with gratitude, ask your Higher-self for your situation to go well, imagining the dust as the wanted situation to occur, allowing yourself to receive it in your heart by drawing the dust from the carpet until it is clean.  On the exhale send your request again to your Higher-self, repeating this procedure for a total of three times or as many times as you want.