Healing the Human Torus

 It is my aim in this series of talks about the Event, to give a practical understanding of what it takes to migrate as an individual from the darkness and separation of the third dimension to a more populated realm of universal Love and interdependence. To make this journey requires us to purge the dense emotional trauma of fear and doubt our bodies have suffered on earth as well as to shift our navigating mechanism from mind to heart. Only then are we capable of consciously re-establishing our birth-place among the stars.

At the moment of our transfiguration that the Event foretells, each incarnated soul will emerge from their dense outer-shell or container psychologically transparent, telepathic, heart-directed and capable of truly giving and receiving love.  In order to take this final step, we will need to re-activate the Human Torus. This act of “remembering” will equip us to maintain our individuality as well as our energetic boundaries in this new harmonious state of interrelation.  The coming Event can be seen as the ‘caboose’ of a train that is now entering fifth-dimensional territory.  By the time it arrives at the station, many of us will be off the train, settling into the landscape of a new earth.

I believe most of us are now capable of re-activating our energetic Torus and this simple visualization and meditation will help re-establish something that is not only a universal system, but our birth-right.  In its design, the human torus is a self-sufficient system of energy, like a snake biting its own tail, continuously being sustained by the God of our hearts or the Creator.  

The Torus is a closed-energy-flow-system driven by its energetic core (or heart-connection to Source).  At its center, a Torus-sphere directs its energized stream upward and outward diagonally in all directions, enveloping its own spherical route downward along the sides and then is drawn from its base, up to the core, only to repeat the cycle endlessly. This self-generating driving force for humans is the heart, located at the center core column of the spine, and is best visualized as generating and being maintained by the in and out cycle of the breath at the bottom and top of our hearts, respectively.

To feel this physically, we can take a deep breath, hold it and imagine our hands in a prayer-position at our hearts. Then on the exhale, extend them upwards, over the head, splitting their route outwards and down along the sides, only to join them together at the front of the torso.  Finally, complete the sequence by deeply breathing in, and raising our hands in prayer back up to the base of the heart. This would be one revolution of an endless cycle.

Our aim with this inquiry and meditation is to consciously re-establish the Human Torus-flow to heal our ability to truly give and receive. In our long history as a species we have been educated and programmed to shut it down and in so doing, we cut-off receiving what we need.  We are also taught to seek outside of ourselves for what we need or want, like expecting a mirror to give back what we reach for.

When our systems are shut down, as it is in most cases, we seek from others, truly, what we can only get from Source.  When our system isn’t flowing properly and the energy is disrupted it ultimately weakens us, causing dependence on others, at best and an addiction to them, at worst.  Co-dependent instead of inter-dependent.

Further issues arise when our Human Torus is malfunctioning or not in use, namely, its natural protective shield or immunity collapses, compromising our resistance to fear and doubt as well as enhancing our reluctance to stay open to receive.  When this self-sustaining system is flowing properly and the shield is strong and healthy, it can be seen as an abiding Faith, Trust, or “Well-Being,” allowing us to feel safe to blossom in our expression, nurtured, supported and protected within our borders by our own connection to Source.

A Torus works by providing our needs and desires as when in meditation we consciously send, with love and gratitude, our intentions or requests for guidance upwards and out using our breath, in prayer to Source.  Starting with a deep in-breath within our heart, then on the exhale, let this intention circulate up the central column and out over the body’s Torus-field.   As it flows back down over the sides , with gratitude on the inhale, we consciously receive our granted requests, guidance and its supportive love up the central column to the heart.

Committing to this conscious practice through daily mediation will spiritually, emotionally, energetically and physically renew our relationship to our Higher-self on the giving end as well as re-invigorate the atrophied receiving end, of this two-part system.   By clearing the log-jam in this lower half of the central column, which is clogged with fear and doubt, the path of receiving will be clear to function.  Once circulation is restored, the immune system or energy shield of what can be regarded as Faith, Trust and Well-being, will come on-line, protecting us from drowning in fear and doubt.

At the time of the Event when we are inducted into the full cosmic force of the Fifth –dimensional vibration of Love, only a practice or habit of Faith will keep us afloat.  In these “high frequency waters” the toroidal flow acts as a self-inflating inner-tube that provides sustainable definition.  For the Torus is the shape of an inner-tube or inflated ring.  In the Fifth-dimension we transcend separation into the congregation of souls, like lowering ourselves into the direct current or stream without the definition of a vessel.

There supported by the functioning Human Torus, we are then distinguished, self-sufficient, directed by our passions and sustained by our hearts connection to Source. We are now elevated above fear and doubt, as only a healthy human Torus-flow will provide.   Here, altogether, our participation will be inspired by our heart’s passion and will be orchestrated by the coordinating energy of Love, sustained from within Ourselves.


Omega Point Drawing – C. Lory Pollina    



This mediation can be done as often as you want but is most effective if you do it three days in a row, as all affirmations or daily intentions work. Then let it go to the universe.  The importance of this practice is to actually clear the blockages of the Torus flow by repairing our ability to receive.   This practice will build our protection from fear and doubt by re-establishing its resilient shield of Faith, Trust and Well-Being.

Additionally: A. you can augment this meditation with added arm-movements described above (To feel this physically paragraph) B. You can also work with the original deep-breathing mediation I describe in Higher-self Tutorial for daily meditation practice, as this meditation is an advanced practice for strengthening the Human Torus Flow.

 Imagine what it is you want.  Let’s take three things.  Money to pay a bill, a muscle to heal, and an exam to go well.

 Begin by relaxing in a sitting or lying-position (or standing).  Begin deeply breathing continuously throughout the entire meditation, in and out to the count of 8-10 seconds in each direction.  Imagine your breathing to be a vacuum machine mechanism that can shoot upwards from the top and draw back inward with its detachable hose at the bottom.


 Take a deep breath, formulate your intention and on the exhale, image shooting or scattering diamond particles out over your head, and here with gratitude, ask your Higher-self for the money to pay the bill.  Knowing the Torus flow will carry the diamond dust up, out, over, and along the body, depositing them at the base of your spine.

 Image a black velvet carpet there with the freshly deposited diamond dust covering the carpet. This dust IS the money you requested.   Proceed to use your deep in-breath as a vacuum hose would to pull that dust into your heart, allowing yourself to receive or have that money.  On the exhale send your request again to your Higher-self, repeating this procedure for a total of three times or as many times as you want. 


 Take a deep breath, formulate your intention and on the exhale, image shooting or scattering diamond particles out over your head, and here with gratitude, ask your Higher-self for the healing, and as you vacuum the dust, imagine it to be the “needed medicine” to remedy the ailing muscle. Take that diamond-dust into the heart and receive it, as you would, taking the needed medication.  On the exhale send your request again to your Higher-self, repeating this procedure for a total of three times or as many times as you want. 



  Take a deep breath, formulate your intention and on the exhale, image shooting or scattering diamond particles out over your head, and here with gratitude, ask your Higher-self for your exam to go well, imagining the dust as the understanding and answers you seek, allowing yourself to receive them in your heart by drawing the dust from the carpet until it is clean.  On the exhale send your request again to your Higher-self, repeating this procedure for a total of three times or as many times as you want. 



Human Torus Fields Interacting    C. Lory Pollina